If you have been accepted for a study place, what are the next steps?

1. Enrollment: First, you must enroll at the university that has been assigned to you. Be sure to pay attention to the enrollment deadlines, as they may vary from university to university. If you miss the deadline, you may lose your place!

2. Secondary Enrollment: After enrolling at your assigned university, you can also enroll at the other two universities. This will give you access to their learning management systems, for example. However, you only need to pay the semester fee once, at your assigned university.

3. Moodle Course at HU Berlin: If you are enrolled at HU Berlin, whether it is your first or second enrollment, please register for the Moodle course for the Master’s program in Statistics: https://moodle.hu-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=38892. General information about the program will be published there.