Course Information on “Advanced Biometric Methods” and “Statistical Methods for Small Sample Sizes”

As the courses of Ms. Rauch and Mr. Konietschke (“Advanced Biometric Methods” or “Statistical Methods for Small Sample Sizes”) will probably be conducted online in Summer 2020, students at HU cannot register for the courses at the first meeting. Therefore, please follow the following instructions:

HU students:

* send an eMail to

* subject: Name of Course („Advanced Biometrical Methods“ or
„Statistical Methods for Small Sample Sizes“)
* include full name
* include student id (matrikelnummer)
* include eMail-Address

* you will get an activation eMail from
* follow the included instruction for you to get known to the
Blackboard System of Freie Universität
* this will make HU students known to the Blackboard System

FU students

* go to

* Click button “Login mit FU-Account”

* Enter userid (NOT eMail-address)
* Enter password
* Click button Anmelden (register)

* this will make FU students known to the Blackboard System

BOTH: FU students AND HU students

* once you are known to the Blackboard System

* send an eMail to

* subject: Name of Course („Advanced Biometrical Methods“ or
„Statistical Methods for Small Sample Sizes“)
* include full name
* include student id (matrikelnummer)
* include eMail-Address
* include that you have finished the registration process at Blackboard
System of Freie Universität

* you will be manually included to access the course material